Importing Tickets

This how-to article will help users import tickets in the ticketing application. The user must have access to TDNext and the ‘bulk import tickets’ ticketing application security role permission.


Tickets from a legacy system can be uploaded at once using the ticket import tool in the ticketing application. This is all file based, and the template can be downloaded within the ticketing application.

In this process any configured automation rules will be skipped for imported tickets. And to prevent large numbers of emails from being sent, notifications will not be sent to the requestor, responsible resource(s), or reviewing resource(s) included in the spreadsheet cells.

Required Permissions

To import tickets, a user must:

  1. Have access to the TDNext interface.
  2. Have access to a ticketing application.
  3. Have the ticketing application security role permission for The user will be able to bulk-import tickets.

Formatting the Spreadsheet

To download the spreadsheet template:

  1. In TDNext, click the Applications menu and select the desired Ticketing Application.
  2. Click the gear icon on the right side of the toolbar.
  3. Select Ticket Import from the list of actions.
  4. In the Ticket Import Step 1 window, download the example import template.
  5. Add a row to the spreadsheet for each ticket.

The following values are required for the spreadsheet import:

  • Title
  • Requestor
  • Acct/Dept
  • Ticket Type

These additional fields can be included in the import:

  • Classification –– If this is not supplied for a ticket, it will automatically be assigned the default.
  • Service           
  • Task Template
  • Impact
  • Urgency         
  • Priority – If this is not supplied for a ticket, it will automatically be assigned the default.
  • Description     
  • Source
  • Asset/CI         
  • Start Date       
  • Due Date        
  • Status – If this is not supplied for a ticket, it will automatically be assigned the default.
  • Responsible User       
  • Responsible Group    
  • Location         
  • Estimated Hours
  • Time Budget  
  • Expenses Budget
  • Custom Attributes – Custom attributes can be included in the ticket import. The column header should be the Name of the attribute.

Importing the Spreadsheet

To choose the spreadsheet and configure the import:

  1. In TDNext, click the Applications menu and select the desired Ticketing Application.
  2. Click the gear icon on the right side of the toolbar.
  3. Select Ticket Import from the list of actions.
  4. In the Ticket Import Step 1 window, click Browse and select the populated Excel file.
  5. Click the Next button.
  6. In the Ticket Import Step 2, select the sheet that the data is on.
  7. Click the Next button.
  8. In the Ticket Import Step 3, validate and select the mappings from the source column.
  9. Click the Next button.
  10. At this point the import will process, if there are errors they will appear at the bottom of the window.

Gotchas & Pitfalls

  • The ticket import process can take a long time to run if there are a very large volume of tickets to create. In this case, we recommend running multiple imports with different spreadsheets. This makes it easier to tell the cause of any errors that may arise and is more likely to run successfully.
  • The user that is logged in to run the import will be set as the creator of the tickets in the file.
  • The import will import a maximum of 10,000 rows at once. If there are more than 10,000 tickets to be imported it should be split up in to separate jobs.
  • Ticketing Application Automation Rules do not process against excel sheet imported tickets
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