

A list of error codes to help the user understand item errors for time API operations.


Name Value Summary
Unknown 0 Represents an unknown / unexpected error
ServerError 1 An exception occurred on the server while processing the request and prevented the request from completing properly.
InvalidTimeEntryID 10 The time entry identifier was either not specified when it was required or was an unsupported value. See the error message for more details.
InvalidModuleType 11 Occurs when you attempt to change a time entry's component after it already exists or to a component that does not support time entry.
InvalidProjectID 12 Occurs when a project ID is required but not specified or specified to a negative value.
InvalidPlanID 13 Occurs when a plan ID is required but not specified or specified to a negative value.
InvalidItemID 14 Occurs when an item ID is required but not specified or specified to a negative value.
InvalidAppID 15 Occurs when an application ID is required but not specified or specified to a negative value.
UserNotFound 20 Occurs when no user with the specified unique identifier could be found. They either do not exist, are deactivated, or are not visible to the user executing the request.
TimeEntryNotFound 21 Occurs when trying to act on a time entry that already exists but either is deleted, has an incorrect ID specified, or is not visible to the executing user.
TimeAccountNotFound 22 Occurs when trying to add time to an item when the specified time account is not available for that item.
TaskNotFound 23 Occurs when trying to work with time on a Task that either is deleted, has an incorrect ID specified, or is not visible to the executing user.
IssueNotFound 24 Occurs when trying to work with time on an Issue that either is deleted, has an incorrect ID specified, or is not visible to the executing user.
TicketNotFound 25 Occurs when trying to work with time on a Ticket that either is deleted, has an incorrect ID specified, or is not visible to the executing user.
TicketTaskNotFound 26 Occurs when trying to work with time on a Ticket Task that either is deleted, has an incorrect ID specified, or is not visible to the executing user.
TicketConvertedToTask 27 Occurs when trying to work with time on a Ticket that has already been converted to a Task. You should enter time against the task instead.
ProjectNotFound 28 Occurs when trying to work with time on a Project, Issue, or Task where the related project has been deleted.
UserDoesNotHaveApplication 30 Occurs when the user the time entry belongs to does not have the Time and Expenses application or the application that contains the item they're trying to add time to.
UserIsNotOnProject 31 Occurs when a user the time entry will be for is not an approved member of the project.
CannotAddTimeForOthers 32 Occurs when you are trying to add time for another user but you do not have the permission to add time for other users.
CannotViewTimeEntry 33 Occurs when you are trying to view time that you do not have permissions to view.
UserInvalid 34 Occurs when the user the time entry belongs to is not active or is not a standard user.
TimeReportAlreadyApproved 40 The time report the entry would belong to has already been approved.
TimeReportAlreadySubmitted 41 The time report the entry would belong to has already been submitted.
TimeEntryOccursOnLockedDate 42 The time entry occurs on a date that is locked.
TimeAccountLimitExceeded 43 The time account is limited and the edit or addition would move the user over their limit for a specific period of time.
LimitedTimeCannotBeNegative 44 Occurs when a user edits or adds a time entry on a limited time type that would make the time entry negative.
CannotChangeProperty 50 Occurs when the value of a property that cannot be edited is modified. If you need to change this value, you should instead delete the time entry and add a new time entry.
MaxOperationsPerRequestExceeded 51 Occurs when too many operations are included in a single bulk operation.
NoOperationsSpecified 52 Occurs when a bulk operation occurred but no operations were specified.
ProjectNotActive 53 Occurs when trying to work with time on a project, issue, or task when the project is no longer active.
ProjectTimeEntryNotAllowed 54 Occurs when trying to enter time at the project level but the project does not support project-level time entry.
LimitedTimeTypesUnavailable 55 Occurs when trying to work with limited time types on components that don't support them.
CannotDeleteTimeEntry 56 Occurs when trying to delete a time entry for another user.
InvalidTimeDate 57 Occurs when required timedate is not provided.
InvalidTicketID 58 Occurs when a ticket ID is required but not specified or specified to a negative value.
PortfolioNotFound 59 Occurs when trying to work with time on a Portfolio, Portfolio Issue where the related portfolio has been deleted.
PortfolioNotActive 60 Occurs when trying to work with time on a Portfolio, Portfolio Issue where the related portfolio is no longer active.