A list of error codes to help the user understand item errors for time API operations.
Name | Value | Summary |
Unknown | 0 | Represents an unknown / unexpected error |
ServerError | 1 | An exception occurred on the server while processing the request and prevented the request from completing properly. |
InvalidTimeEntryID | 10 | The time entry identifier was either not specified when it was required or was an unsupported value. See the error message for more details. |
InvalidModuleType | 11 | Occurs when you attempt to change a time entry's component after it already exists or to a component that does not support time entry. |
InvalidProjectID | 12 | Occurs when a project ID is required but not specified or specified to a negative value. |
InvalidPlanID | 13 | Occurs when a plan ID is required but not specified or specified to a negative value. |
InvalidItemID | 14 | Occurs when an item ID is required but not specified or specified to a negative value. |
InvalidAppID | 15 | Occurs when an application ID is required but not specified or specified to a negative value. |
UserNotFound | 20 | Occurs when no user with the specified unique identifier could be found. They either do not exist, are deactivated, or are not visible to the user executing the request. |
TimeEntryNotFound | 21 | Occurs when trying to act on a time entry that already exists but either is deleted, has an incorrect ID specified, or is not visible to the executing user. |
TimeAccountNotFound | 22 | Occurs when trying to add time to an item when the specified time account is not available for that item. |
TaskNotFound | 23 | Occurs when trying to work with time on a Task that either is deleted, has an incorrect ID specified, or is not visible to the executing user. |
IssueNotFound | 24 | Occurs when trying to work with time on an Issue that either is deleted, has an incorrect ID specified, or is not visible to the executing user. |
TicketNotFound | 25 | Occurs when trying to work with time on a Ticket that either is deleted, has an incorrect ID specified, or is not visible to the executing user. |
TicketTaskNotFound | 26 | Occurs when trying to work with time on a Ticket Task that either is deleted, has an incorrect ID specified, or is not visible to the executing user. |
TicketConvertedToTask | 27 | Occurs when trying to work with time on a Ticket that has already been converted to a Task. You should enter time against the task instead. |
ProjectNotFound | 28 | Occurs when trying to work with time on a Project, Issue, or Task where the related project has been deleted. |
UserDoesNotHaveApplication | 30 | Occurs when the user the time entry belongs to does not have the Time and Expenses application or the application that contains the item they're trying to add time to. |
UserIsNotOnProject | 31 | Occurs when a user the time entry will be for is not an approved member of the project. |
CannotAddTimeForOthers | 32 | Occurs when you are trying to add time for another user but you do not have the permission to add time for other users. |
CannotViewTimeEntry | 33 | Occurs when you are trying to view time that you do not have permissions to view. |
UserInvalid | 34 | Occurs when the user the time entry belongs to is not active or is not a standard user. |
TimeReportAlreadyApproved | 40 | The time report the entry would belong to has already been approved. |
TimeReportAlreadySubmitted | 41 | The time report the entry would belong to has already been submitted. |
TimeEntryOccursOnLockedDate | 42 | The time entry occurs on a date that is locked. |
TimeAccountLimitExceeded | 43 | The time account is limited and the edit or addition would move the user over their limit for a specific period of time. |
LimitedTimeCannotBeNegative | 44 | Occurs when a user edits or adds a time entry on a limited time type that would make the time entry negative. |
CannotChangeProperty | 50 | Occurs when the value of a property that cannot be edited is modified. If you need to change this value, you should instead delete the time entry and add a new time entry. |
MaxOperationsPerRequestExceeded | 51 | Occurs when too many operations are included in a single bulk operation. |
NoOperationsSpecified | 52 | Occurs when a bulk operation occurred but no operations were specified. |
ProjectNotActive | 53 | Occurs when trying to work with time on a project, issue, or task when the project is no longer active. |
ProjectTimeEntryNotAllowed | 54 | Occurs when trying to enter time at the project level but the project does not support project-level time entry. |
LimitedTimeTypesUnavailable | 55 | Occurs when trying to work with limited time types on components that don't support them. |
CannotDeleteTimeEntry | 56 | Occurs when trying to delete a time entry for another user. |
InvalidTimeDate | 57 | Occurs when required timedate is not provided. |
InvalidTicketID | 58 | Occurs when a ticket ID is required but not specified or specified to a negative value. |
PortfolioNotFound | 59 | Occurs when trying to work with time on a Portfolio, Portfolio Issue where the related portfolio has been deleted. |
PortfolioNotActive | 60 | Occurs when trying to work with time on a Portfolio, Portfolio Issue where the related portfolio is no longer active. |