Time & Expense Adjust Columns

Is there a way to adjust column widths when viewing a time report? Currently, the first column is long and is often populated with short text. Meanwhile, the second column is very narrow and is often if not always populated with long text. This makes it so that you cannot read what is in the second column.


Asked by James Lockhart on Thu 12/19/24 3:33 PM Last edited Fri 12/20/24 10:28 AM
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Mark Sayers Thu 12/19/24 3:39 PM

Hello James,

Can you advise how you are navigating to the report in question so we can be sure we are referring to the same report as we answer this for you?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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It's the time entry section, viewing the time report, in the Time and Expense Application. - James Lockhart Thu 12/19/24 4:12 PM
Thank you, do you have a screen shot of the page in question? - Mark Sayers Thu 12/19/24 4:27 PM
Yes, I edited the question and uploaded the image. I was trying to add it here, but it seems this comment section is for text only. - James Lockhart Fri 12/20/24 10:29 AM
Thank you James! Unfortunately that page isn't customizable in the manner that you've asked, though it would be nice if it could be. You should submit this as an enhancement request though: https://solutions.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1965/Portal/Requests/TicketRequests/NewForm?ID=0fZF3UNVAPE_&RequestorType=ServiceOffering - Mark Sayers Thu 12/26/24 9:50 AM