Expense Type Rate


I am creating some new expense types, and I see that there is a column for rate.  But in the expense type record, there doesn't appear to be a way to assign a rate.  Am I missing something?

Asked by Sheila McBride on Wed 12/18/24 10:07 AM Last edited Wed 12/18/24 10:07 AM
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Mark Sayers Wed 12/18/24 10:17 AM

Hi Sheila,

What screen were you on where that view appeared? I will check into it once I know how you navigated to the view that displayed those columns.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Hi Mark,

I was assigning the expenses to a ticket type: https://support.einsteinmed.edu/TDAdmin/ec907a1c-a5b8-423a-b989-b2165ed67fdf/3471/Accounts/TypeExpAccts.aspx?Page=..%2FTickets%2FTicketTypeNew.aspx&TYPID=42440&BEID=ec907a1c-a5b8-423a-b989-b2165ed67fdf
- Sheila McBride Wed 12/18/24 10:25 AM
I believe that column will always show zeros, but it does populate if the type is marked as billable and someone uses that Time Type on a ticket where the user in question has a Bill Rate on their account in TDAdmin, does that make sense? - Mark Sayers Wed 12/18/24 11:21 AM
Hi Mark,

Yes, but it's not a time type, it's an expense type. In this case, it will be tracked by hours.
- Sheila McBride Wed 12/18/24 2:53 PM
Ah my bad, I was trying to do too many things at the same time. The Rate on that Expense Types tab appears to be a relic that has been around for a long while but apparently isn't really used, or at least it isn't used as of this point. Because when you go to add an expense to a ticket, you can choose one of the added Expense Types and you set how much that expense was for. The Rate would never be used. I think this would be a valid enhancement request to ask for that to just be removed if there's no hard-coded reason to include it. - Mark Sayers Wed 12/18/24 3:15 PM
Hi Mark,

Okay, good enough. I'm working on an iPaaS flow that I can use instead.

- Sheila McBride Wed 12/18/24 3:17 PM