IPAAS: Time Between Days (Remove Time)
Hi I have an issue where i have date 1 (Thu 11/21/24 1:35 PM) and date 2 (Wed 12/11/24 4:38 PM )
We are only looking to get the time difference in "Days" excluding the time as the following screen shot brings in the time as well.
I tried using regex and then using time difference but it begins to give me a null (random) number.
Asked by Gurjot Singh
on Thu 12/12/24 9:00 PM
Last edited Thu 12/12/24 9:00 PM
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Answer (1)
David Tod
Fri 12/13/24 8:27 AM
You probably need to make sure they are actual dates (rather than strings). Another approach is to set the time of both dates to midnight first.
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