iPaaS Script Libraries
I am attempting to convert an .xlsb file to an .xlsx file. I am attempting to do this using iPaaS' script function, but cannot do this naively in JS without any libraries. Is it possible to use any libraries through a CDN?
Asked by Naseem Benjelloun
on Thu 12/5/24 3:35 PM
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Answer (1)
Mark Sayers
Tue 12/10/24 2:00 PM
Hi Naseem,
Unfortunately we do not currently allow importing libraries via CDN for our script step. Instead, an alternative would be to use Powershell or SSH where you can do whatever they want for this sort of need.
You could submit an enhancement for iPaaS/Conversational AI if you want to see this be supported down the road for the script step though!
Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS
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