iPaaS Dynamic Column sortOperator

Is it possible to target and adjust the sortOperator of a dynamically generated drop-down list? In the exported JSON, I notice that it defaults to a value of 2 when no content is provided. I’d like to set it to 1, which, as I am guessing, corresponds to "As provided" for dynamically generated drop-down fields. However, using the otherProperties sub-group with a name=sortOperator and value=1 is not modding that when generated.

Thanks for your time all!



Tags dynamic flow ipaas-dynamic-forms sortOperator
Asked by Brandon Simpson on Thu 12/5/24 9:09 AM Last edited Thu 12/5/24 9:09 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Thu 12/5/24 3:56 PM Last edited Mon 12/9/24 9:03 AM

Hi Brandon,

I checked on this for you and it is posisble, the property name is sortOperator, and the valid values are: "asprovided", "atoz", "ztoa"

A list of all element types and properties that we support are detailed in the attached document in this ticket (text in red relates to 3.2):

Enhancement ID 19814467

One note about properties: element properties are not "automatically" mapped from otherProperties to the generated element. There is a separate function that maps them and you'll need to "manually" add the properties to this function. Which means that the document is the source of truth for what we support.

If anything isn't listed it will require an enhancement request to add support for it. If a property is listed there but doesn't work, let us know and we can submit a ticket for you to determine if there is a bug present.


Mark Sayers

Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Thank you so much for your time, Mark! I appreciate the specific values!

Regarding the Ticket link provided, I do not seem to have access or can log in with my Solutions TDX credentials to view the full list on the ticket. I would love to add it to my growing notes, though!

- Brandon Simpson Thu 12/5/24 4:46 PM
Sorry that was an enhancement ticket ID. It shouldn't have been linked as it is an internal link. I shortened it to just the ID of the enhancement ticket. - Mark Sayers Mon 12/9/24 9:03 AM