Email workflow

At the moment we use an email to open tickets from different departments.  However, we have it attached to a DL (Distribution List) for that Department.  So when that department gets an email a ticket gets created. However, it is creating tickets from just conversational email and multiples. What would be the best way to handle this issue?  

Asked by Matthew Thompson on Wed 12/4/24 9:22 AM
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Answer (1)

Mark Sayers Wed 12/4/24 10:14 AM

Hello Matthew,

I probably would not include your monitored email address in the DL unless you explicitly *want* all communications that target that DL to produce tickets. Either that, or you'd have to create rules for the Inbox of that monitored email account to get rid of emails that do not meet your criteria for generating a new ticket. Maybe instead of monitoring the Inbox of this email address, you monitor a separate folder and make rules against the Inbox to move messages to that folder if it meets your criteria for needing a ticket?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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