Tasks created after a collector step

I have created a fairly complex workflow to handle all the tasks related to a member of IT leaving their job.  There are a  large number of tasks that have to be done to remove their access from all of our systems, etc.  So, I set up the tasks in three phases, with branch/collector steps between each.  I noticed that when the first collector step completed and the next set of tasks were created, the "creator" of each task was the person who completed the last task prior to the collector executing.  That seems pretty strange to me.  Shouldn't it be the original creator of the ticket?  I think the technicians handling the tasks are going to find this very confusing.  Is this behavior to be expected or is there a setting I can used to change how this works?

Martha McConaghy

Marist College

Asked by Martha McConaghy on Mon 11/18/24 6:40 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Tue 11/19/24 9:21 AM

Hello Martha,
This is actually expected behavior in this scenario. The system spins up those tasks automatically, if they are needed, so they aren't being all created by the same person (the ticket creator) per se.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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