Ability to have a link within a card
In the PPM app, when using a card wall there is the ability to have attachments associated with a card. Is there the ability to have links? I know that links are available within the project but we are wanting to associate links with the individual card.
Asked by Leslie Czeck
on Fri 11/15/24 3:33 PM
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Brittany Renn
Fri 11/15/24 5:01 PM
Hi Leslie,
If you open a Card on a Project Cardwall Plan, there should be an attachments tab where you can upload files there. As far as adding links, are you wanting a field to place links into?
Brittany Renn
TDX Support
No feedback
I know how to upload files via the attachment tabs. We are looking to see how we can add links, is there a tab/field that needs to be configured to allow for links?
- Leslie Czeck
Sat 11/16/24 3:48 PM
Hi Leslie,
There isn't a specific field that is meant for supporting links on a cardwall card currently. You can list a URL in the card's Feed as a comment though if you want it to be able to show as clickable. - Mark Sayers Mon 11/18/24 9:26 AM
There isn't a specific field that is meant for supporting links on a cardwall card currently. You can list a URL in the card's Feed as a comment though if you want it to be able to show as clickable. - Mark Sayers Mon 11/18/24 9:26 AM