Asset selection and visibility

We cared a new asset application to house all of our software products and we also use another asset application to house hardware.

We wanted to expose the Asset/CI field on the ticket form so that users could select the software product from that list when they are creating a ticket tied to an issue with a specific product.  That way the ticket in TDnext would have that designation and be attached to the product asset.

We were able to get the Asset/CI field added to the incident form, and fill it out --- but when i went to view the ticket in TDnext, i could not see the Asset/CI field that was populated on the ticket.

What am I doing wrong?

Asked by Rebecca Murphy on Thu 11/14/24 2:56 PM
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Mark Sayers Thu 11/14/24 3:55 PM

Hello Rabecca,

Did you add a custom Asset attribute, or are you using the standard Asset/CI field?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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I used the OOTB Asset/CI field and specified the 'Product Inventory' application w/in the field on the form. - Rebecca Murphy Fri 11/15/24 9:16 AM
The out of the box field does not appear on the ticket form after the ticket is created. It is used during creation of a ticket only. After that, you just can go to the Assets/CIs tab of the ticket and use that tab's buttons to add more assets to be associated with the ticket. - Mark Sayers Mon 11/18/24 10:27 AM