Alerts option in Card Wall for PPM

When using a card wall plan, when configuring the initial card it appears that alerts for that card cannot be configured as it is not displaying as an option.  However, when in the priority view of the plan and then opening up a card, it does have the ability to configure an alert.  Is there an admin configuration that needs to be completed in order for this to display when initialling setting up the card?

Asked by Leslie Czeck on Tue 11/12/24 11:01 AM Last edited Tue 11/12/24 11:01 AM
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Mark Sayers Tue 11/12/24 11:46 AM

Hello Leslie,

This seems to be by design currently from what I can tell, though I am not sure why it is the case. I will ask the Product team about this for you though!

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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