Determining a user's primary group
How can we determine a user's primary group when getting a person via the API? The data that is returned contains a list of group ids that the user is a member of with no indication of the primary group id.
We are using this API endpoint from iPaaS.
GET /TDWebApi/api/people/{uid}
Asked by Paul Lupeituu
on Mon 11/11/24 1:00 PM
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Answer (1)
This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers
Mon 11/11/24 2:33 PM
Hello Paul,
You would be better off to use this GET endpoint: /TDWebApi/api/people/{uid}/groups
As it does list a more targeted set of details on each group related to the person in question.
Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS
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