Increasing institution buy-in

I hope this is an acceptable place for this; if not, please direct me to where I should post it.

My goal is to increase TDX buy-in within our institution. We have been using TDX for a couple of years, and I am a fan of the product. I feel like we've accomplished a lot with it, but I also know we've only scratched the surface of what we can do. Our TDX team is small, and we only use the base features of TDX. We have some folks in our institution who do not see the potential TDX offers that I do.

Can you offer strategies or resources to help increase my organization's buy-in?

I am looking forward to Conversational AI and want to see our organization utilize more automation and integration with other systems. How can I better pitch/sell these ideas to different people in my institution?

Asked by Beau Stribling on Thu 11/7/24 2:39 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Thu 11/7/24 2:49 PM

Hello Beau,

For this type of question I would generally recommend having our Process Consulting team connect with you as they can provide the best paths that will help identify areas where you can bolster adoption of the TDX platform. I'll create a support ticket for you and send it over to the Process team to have someone reach out to you regarding scheduling a call on this topic!

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Also I'm going to have your CSX manager (Vinny) reach out to you about this by EOD today to touch base! - Mark Sayers Thu 11/7/24 2:54 PM
Thank you - Beau Stribling Thu 11/7/24 2:54 PM