Why can't I get "Workflow Step Responsible" to populate on a report?


I recently created reports for our change advisory board. I created one report for all open requests pending approval and was able to provide the name of the person for the "Workflow Step Responsible" for open requests. I then created a report to provide the same information for all resolved/closed requests, where the workflow was completed, but it will not provide to me the "workflow step responsible" information. Why is this information not available for resolved/closed requests? The data is in the same field regardless if the workflow is completed or not and/or if the request is open or closed?

Images of the report I configured.

Image of the report the system produced.


Asked by Chrissie Kenny on Wed 10/30/24 9:47 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Wed 10/30/24 10:10 AM

Hello Chrissie,

In a situation where the workflow is completed, there is no way to know how many total workflow steps were involved on the workflow or which step in particular it should return an assignment value for. Also, that column only displays values for steps that are incomplete currently on a workflow. It does not include values for steps in a workflow that have been completed already.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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