Reminder Option For Critical Updates

Is there a way in TDX to set reminders to specific technicians or as a group for critical updates?


Such as for certificate expirations, secret keys and so forth. We would like to set up a way in TDX that we can set these reminders and then when the times comes the reminder is sent out or technician is alerted. 


Tags Reminders
Asked by Martin Cusack III on Fri 10/25/24 10:31 AM
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Mark Sayers Fri 10/25/24 10:55 AM

Hello Martin,

You can achieve this in some ways with scheduled tickets, though it isn't really built for that sort of thing. Ideally the system of record for the cert in question should have a way to trigger alerts when those are due to expire soon.

I suppose you could just create tickets with start dates out in the future that are timed for a date somewhat ahead of the actual item's expiration, then build a report on those tickets. From there you could deliver the report to someone daily but only if it contains results, so they don't have to see it unless an item is about to expire or needs addressed.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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