Inactivity Time Out Period for Ticket Submissions

How long will a ticket submission stay open before it times out due to inactivity? Can this time period be altered?

Asked by Zach Sinclair on Thu 10/17/24 11:43 AM
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Mark Sayers Thu 10/17/24 11:59 AM

Hello Zach,

I apologize if I am not following, but are you asking if submitted tickets will ever automatically just be set to a "Closed" status by nature of not being touched by a technician or else responded to by a client?

Or can you clarify your question?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Hi Mark.

My question regards tickets that have not been submitted.

We have a department that routinely is called away from their desks, and they wanted to know how long their partially filled-out ticket would remain until a time-out forces them to restart.
- Zach Sinclair Thu 10/17/24 12:11 PM
So you're referring to the service request page in the Client Portal where they are creating a ticket? Or doing the same action in TDnext in a ticketing app?

TeamDynamix uses a sliding 8hr sign in session. This means, from the last point in time where the user interacted with the system, it maintains their active session for 8 hours. If they take action in the system again prior that 8 hour end time, it slides out to continue to be valid for another 8hours. I doubt their action to be called away from their desk would ever take 8 hours, but if it so happened to be at the end of the day, and they left the machine as-is over night, when they came back to it in the morning their ticket might not be able to be saved if they hadn't first used another window to sign in to TDX again.
- Mark Sayers Thu 10/17/24 12:47 PM
Thanks, Mark. I was referring to the Client Portal, sorry.

I appreciate the answer. I'll let the rest of my team know.
- Zach Sinclair Thu 10/17/24 1:15 PM