Custom Attributes Wiped Out When Changing Attribute Dependency

Has something changed, or perhaps I am losing my mind?  I seem to recall when you had custom attributes associated with an attribute dependency, when you filled out values for the attributes and saved the ticket and later changed the triggering attribute dependency, it would display the new custom attributes it should but also kept any custom attributes that had values filled out.  Now, when I test that, it always wipes out the content of the previous attributes if they are not explicitly associated with that attribute dependency choice.  Has that changed at some point?  Am I making this up?

Is there a setting anywhere that controls that behavior?

As a use case, we have a group that is using a Package Status custom attribute and attribute dependencies.  This allows them to move a package along and fill out fields as needed as that attribute changes.  However, they lose data from previous choices along the way which is certainly not the behavior we want in that scenario. 


Asked by Charles Plemons on Thu 10/10/24 11:21 AM
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Mark Sayers Thu 10/10/24 11:37 AM

Hi Charles,

I think I do recall that behavior being the case, however it was changed to explicitly drop values of a custom attribute if the currently selected parent option would not allow that child attribute to then be displayed per dependency configurations. It equates to being an invalid option and so it would not be retained.

I suggest reconfiguring your attribute dependencies so as they change options on the parent field, *more* child fields appear so they can track their status on this, rather than limiting the visibility of the child attributes by parent choice.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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I have realized why I am confused. If you change Forms and a given form does not have a custom attribute it and it had data from the previous selection, that does not get wiped out! I don't know that I ever tested attribute dependency for this, and I had it crossed over in my mind. That behavior seems inconsistent though for it to keep it in one scenario and wipe it in the other. My personal preference would be to keep the data. Will put in an enhancement request for consideration! - Charles Plemons Mon 10/14/24 5:09 PM