iPaaS vs Workflow Web Services
For those users who have iPaaS is there any reason to use the workflow web services within a work management app?
From my perspective it seems like iPaaS flows run faster and aren't any harder to configure. Separating the automation between these two places seems like it would be a hassle.
What am I missing?
Asked by Charles Morgan
on Tue 10/8/24 8:34 AM
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Answer (1)
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Mark Sayers
Tue 10/8/24 9:37 AM
Hi Charles,
If you have access to iPaaS, it is more efficient to run the actions desired through an iPaaS flow. The only reasons I could see in not using iPaaS is if someone in the organization needs to build some automation but hasn't been granted access to iPaaS yet, or if you already had web service steps in use on workflows that you just hadn't replaced yet with an iPaaS flow.
Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS
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