How can we turn on/off notification emails on ticket workflow steps
I created a ticketing workflow and each of the step/s are assigned to an individual but we dont want an email notification to be generated on every step that has a choice. we only want the notifcation to be sent on specific work flow steps. how can we configure which steps will have notifications and which ones will not?
Asked by Larissa Kupferschmidt
on Thu 10/3/24 1:18 PM
Last edited Thu 10/3/24 1:19 PM
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Brittany Renn
Thu 10/3/24 1:33 PM
Hi Larissa,
I reached out on your ticket about this but I'll post the response here as well. The only step that you can choose whether or not to notify the responsible is a Task step. All other step types will notify the responsible person/group automatically.
Brittany Renn
TDX Support
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