Do workflow conditions use "and" or "or"?

Hello! Could someone tell me, for a Condition step in a workflow, if I have multiple conditions, will it test positive if only one condition is positive, or will it test positive only if BOTH conditions are positive?


Thank you!

Asked by Kay Brewer on Wed 10/2/24 9:13 AM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Wed 10/2/24 10:11 AM

Hello Kay,

If you do not specify anything in the "Advanced" filtering area, the report by default is using "And" associations for any filters you include, meaning they *all* must be true for the Condition step to evaluate as "met".

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
Oh snap, I missed the Advanced area! I think I can use that to do basically "1 OR 3" so that if either condition is true, it will be true, is that right? - Kay Brewer Wed 10/2/24 11:39 AM
Yes, however if you do use the Advanced area, you need to include all filters that you wish to be evaluated, or it *will* exclude filters that are unlisted in that field. Meaning, if all you put in it are: 1 OR 3 : it will totally ignore filter 2 because it wasn't listed. So you'd want to list it like so: 2 AND (1 OR 3) - Mark Sayers Wed 10/2/24 11:53 AM