Report on Knowledge Article Stats

I want to get a report of all the Knowledge Articles that have been read within the last 90 days or a quarter. I cannot find a time stamp or value for the reads/article access.Has anyone found a way or work around?

Asked by Laurence Redmond on Tue 10/1/24 2:00 PM
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Brittany Renn Tue 10/1/24 2:08 PM

Hi Laurence, 

You can report on the Read By count but there's not currently a way to report on the Read By Date. To obtain that information, you'd have to look at the specific article's edit view and then go to the Read By tab.

Brittany Renn
TDX Support

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Yes. However, I need to get a report of all KAs that have been read within the last 90 days. I don't want to go to each article and manually evaluate and record the qualifying articles. - Laurence Redmond Thu 10/3/24 9:08 AM
I understand. I'd probably suggest submitting an Enhancement Request to ask for the ability to report on KB article Read By Dates in the KB report source.

You can submit an Enhancement Request here:
- Brittany Renn Thu 10/3/24 10:44 AM