Assign ticket within 3 hours of receipt if the ticket is unassigned

Hi there,

I have a question from our Service Manager about automation.  Can TDX be programmed to autoescalate all tickets to a given recipient if the status is not changed from “New” within three hours of being initiated/submitted?

I am looking at our ticketing application's Automation Rules. I don't see any way to establish time rules. Are there settings elsewhere we should look at that may help us solve this using the system? I know in most cases, it might be a report for someone to monitor, for example.

Thanks for any insight on this!

Asked by Tristina Grywalski on Tue 10/1/24 11:21 AM
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Answer (1)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Tue 10/1/24 11:28 AM

Hello Tristina,

It can if you configure and use SLAs for your ticketing application. See this KB for information on what an SLA is and how to use and configure one:

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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I will check this out! -Thank you. - Tristina Grywalski Tue 10/1/24 1:18 PM