Person assigned an administrator license unable to log in as an administrator

A person, Nigel Bertrand ( was granted an administrator license (UOW - TDX Global Administrator), same as many other people here.  The problem is that when he selects Administrator to log in, he gets the message that he does not have access, nor does he see the Administrator tile on the waffle menu.  His profile is the set up essentially identical to others who have administrator access without issue.

So what could be the issue for Nigel?

Tags administrator
Asked by Mathew Chandler on Tue 10/1/24 10:15 AM
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Mark Sayers Tue 10/1/24 10:42 AM

Hello Mathew,

Being an org administrator is actually irrespective of your security role/license. An existing organization administrator needs to access the TDAdmin landing page, click the Administrators tab, then add a new administrator *there* to give the person TDAdmin access.

Try doing that, then have Nigel try to access it again.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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