Current User

Can the Current User be prefilled or defaulted on a ticket form that is initiated from TDNext?  I know it is prefilled on ticket forms on the Services Portal, but not so on ticket forms initiated from TDNext.  Why is that?

Asked by Jon Ricketson on Tue 9/24/24 10:13 AM
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Mark Sayers Tue 9/24/24 10:41 AM

Hi Jon,

What field specifically are you referring to that you'd want the signed-in user to be populated into during TDnext ticket creation? The Requestor field?

If so, I think the answer is when creating a ticket from TDNext it isn't always accurate to assume the person completing the form is going to be the Requestor of a ticket, whereas in the portal, the odds that the person completing a service request form are much higher to the point of being generally a certainty (with a smaller percentage of exceptions).

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Hi Mark. Yes, it is the Requestor. I understand that sometimes the TDNext person entering the ticket may not be the Requestor, but in Most cases for the forms I am working on with our info security team, they are the requestor. Maybe an option at the form level would be a nice enhancement. - Jon Ricketson Tue 9/24/24 12:36 PM
Sure it could be a great enhancement. I suggest that you go ahead and put that in using this service here: - Mark Sayers Tue 9/24/24 12:43 PM