Project change requests
Is there a way to enter and manage project change requests in TDNext?
Thank you
Asked by Constantin de Boisseson
on Fri 9/20/24 11:36 AM
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Answer (1)
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Mark Sayers
Fri 9/20/24 12:10 PM
Hello Constantin,
There isn't a specific feature in TeamDynamix with a name like "project change request", but you can set up a process whereby users can submit these requests as a ticket, so it can go through an approval workflow, then someone can document on the project that it was approved (or convert the ticket into a task on the project's plan for easy reference.
We have also seen clients use the Issues log of a project to house change requests since that is already a feature of the project and is easily referenced if it is ever needed.
Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS
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