
A few questions on forms:

1.  Is there a way to use a PDF fillable form in TDX (see attached)?

2.  If not, is there a way to make your form in TDX a custom build (see attached PDF)?

Thank you,

Lisa Mouser, Director, Technology Support

St. Charles Community College

Asked by Lisa Mouser on Fri 9/13/24 4:02 PM Last edited Fri 9/13/24 4:02 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Fri 9/13/24 4:15 PM

Hello Lisa,

Looking at your attachment, there is no configuration in TeamDynamix that would allow you to set up a form like that. You can create forms where each field is on its own line of the form, but there is no way to stack and place fields side-by-side like that.

Nor do we support importing a PDF to create a ticket.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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