Ticket report discrepancy

Maybe I'm not familiar enough with the logic but we are seeing some discrepancies in ticket reports where unexpected tickets show up. I'll try to briefly explain the scenario:

We have a ticket report with the following filters:

  • Resp Group is Group A
  • Status is not Closed, Cancelled

When Group B owns a ticket but creates a task and assigns it to Group A, the task's ticket shows up in the report. Now when Group A marks the task as complete the ticket remains in the report, which is the unexpected part. 

Is there a way to add a filter to the ticket report that removes tickets where the task assign to Group A that have been completed? It seems like any task focused level of filtering options in ticketing reports are limited (active task count, converted to task).

Any advice would be appreciated!

Asked by Nick Nunn on Fri 9/6/24 3:17 PM
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Mark Sayers Fri 9/6/24 3:31 PM

Hello Nick,

Try using the "Resp Group (Current)" = Group A filter and see if that gets you better results.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Hi Mark,
That was my idea too but I was hoping for a happy medium between hiding all tickets like this or showing them regardless of their task's status. Using Current means these tickets don't show up in the report when the task is assigned to one of them. The group is used to seeing the ticket where they have a task assigned assigned to them in the report but would like it to drop off.

As I mentioned before, there are limited task filtering options in ticket reports so I'm not even sure you could get an advanced expression to show what we are looking for here. Is there any other filtering options that target task related information that we could use?
- Nick Nunn Fri 9/6/24 4:06 PM
Ticket reports do not have much in the way of task-specific filtering that can be performed sadly.

You might be able to try filtering on tickets where Prim Resp Group = Group A OR Resp Group (Current) = Group A. Plus your filter for the statuses.

That should give you tickets where this group is responsible for the whole ticket or an active and incomplete task, and the ticket is not closed or cancelled.
- Mark Sayers Fri 9/6/24 4:36 PM
We used Resp Group, not Prim Resp Group but I'm not able to repeat what you are explaining. Prim Resp Group won't show the ticket with the tasks and Resp Group (Current) will only show tasks when they are assigned to the group and not when an individual in Group A takes responsibility. Resp Group will show the ticket regardless of if the ticket task is assigned to the team or the individual but also shows regardless of task status. It's feeling more like a bug than a feature.

Before I submit a support ticket to review specifics and take more of your time, is there any article or documentation that reviews what each responsibility filter is supposed to do?
- Nick Nunn Fri 9/6/24 5:17 PM
Yes, if you are on the Edit page of a custom ticket report you can click on the Help button to see a detailed description of each filter/column option. - Mark Sayers Mon 9/9/24 9:05 AM