Initial Responded Date by a specific Resp Group

I have a request to be able to track the Date/Time a specific Resp Group (our Service Desk) responds to a ticket.

I am trying to figure out a way to do this without creating a new Attribute called 'Service Desk Response Date' and workflow to automatically update the field at first touch by a member of that team. I have also suggested that they pull from an existing report where we have 'Initial Responded Date' already available, and 'Initial Resp Group' is 'Service Desk', but they are specifically looking for 'the first time the Service Desk interacts with any ticket', even ones where they aren't the initial resp group.

Is there a way to pull from a report 'Here is the date/time that Resp Group X initially responded to a ticket?'

Thanks in advance!

Asked by Josh Watts on Tue 9/3/24 4:21 PM
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Mark Sayers Tue 9/3/24 4:35 PM

Hello Josh,

There isn't a way to report on when person or group member of a certain group interacts with a ticket specifically. As you said, you can report on when the ticket *was* initially responded to in reports, and you can report on tickets where the ticket was specifically assigned historically to a member of that group.

That should at least limit the options down, but there isn't going to be a way to confirm for sure that a member of that group was the one who *initially* responded to the ticket. Closest you'll get is to use the Respnded By value.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Hey Mark, appreciate the quick response. I'll add a bit of clarification, but I don't think it's going to change the answer you gave...

They're not looking to understand if the Service Desk was the first person to initially respond to a ticket. They're looking for a report that shows every ticket opened in the last month, and they would like to know the date that someone on the Service Desk first touched any of those tickets (or a blank response if they never interacted with the ticket, obviously).
- Josh Watts Tue 9/3/24 4:38 PM
Sadly there isn't a filter/column for Historical Modified By which would give you this value I believe. This does sound like an excellent enhancement request though to ask for a way to report on whether a person or group member ever modified a ticket in any way. - Mark Sayers Tue 9/3/24 4:44 PM