People Import using the excel file from the app Alert email issues.

People Import using the excel file from the app.   When I imported about 20K users it is supposed to write over the fields that have been updated on the account.  However, one column was misaligned by a row and updated the account with the wrong information on the Alert Notification field. When Looking at import file after the correction import I noticed there is no Alert Field in the form.  There is Alternate but noting to update the Alert notification email. field. When importing with the correct columns now I cannot update that field.  That makes for a huge problem if different student are being notified.  Please help. 

Asked by Matthew Thompson on Thu 8/29/24 4:46 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Thu 8/29/24 5:11 PM

Unfortunately we aren't able to edit mass amounts of data like this without a VAS request for the update.

We would need to know the UIDs of the persons who need to be modified, and then the list of accurate Alert email address values that their accounts should be updated to use.

I believe you still have 40 hours of VAS in your purchased bucket of hours. You can use this request form to ask for user modification to be performed as a VAS request:

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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