Project requests awaiting my workflow assignment


I can see project requests in the Portfolio Planning app that are awaiting workflow assignment. For some reason, they show in the 'Awaiting My Workflow Assignment' tab, but not in the corresponding tile (Requests Awaiting Workflow Assignment') on my Analysis desktop. Are the tab and the tile meant to be connected?

Thank you.


Asked by Constantin de Boisseson on Wed 8/28/24 4:27 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Wed 8/28/24 4:51 PM

Hello Constantin,

Are you also the Evaluator of the ones that are in your Awaiting My Workflow Assignment queue?


Mark Sayers

Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
I'll check with our admins. The requests were submitted through the Client Portal via an intake form that should automatically assign requests to a single workflow, so I was surprised when I saw the unassigned requests. Is there a way for admins to list someone as evaluator by default on all requests that are awaiting workflow assignment? - Constantin de Boisseson Thu 8/29/24 8:38 AM
The evaluator is determined based on the configuration of your project types in TDAdmin and whether an admin specifically selected you as the evaluator of any project types. - Mark Sayers Thu 8/29/24 10:23 AM
Thanks! I'll coordinate with our admins to confirm - Constantin de Boisseson Thu 8/29/24 10:46 AM