Workflow Notifications - Text Changes

We have a fairly complex ticketing workflow in our Equipment Program ticketing application.  Lots of steps.  Toward the end, we have a workflow Notification step that sends an email notification to the Requestor, asking them to schedule a time to bring in their old device that is being replaced to our computer store so it can be used to transfer certain data to their new device, and also to then wipe the old device for reuse or recycling.   The Notification text contains the street address of our Computer Store, which just changed last week.  We updated the text in the workflow so any new tickets are generated with the correct address.  But tickets in process before the change that have not yet reached the notification step will generate the notification with the old text/old store address.  We don't want to reset the workflows on all of these tickets as there are many, and that would generate other confusing ticket and workflow step notifications for steps that were completed long ago.  These tickets sometimes have long life (a few months is not uncommon).  

So, my question is, is there any way to update the text that will be used in the notifications that have not been sent yet for tickets that were created (with the workflow automatically assigned) before we changed the text in the workflow notification step?


Asked by Jon Ricketson on Wed 8/28/24 11:30 AM Last edited Wed 8/28/24 11:32 AM
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Mark Sayers Wed 8/28/24 11:59 AM

Hello Jon,

I *believe* the workflow pulls whatever the current content of the Notification's configured Body content is when it reaches that step.

I/We have not specifically tested this recently to firmly tell you that is in fact the behavior. At worst you can ping the requestor if you're unsure or not comfortable and say like "it may say the address is X but it's really Y"

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Hi Mark. It in fact uses the text as it was when the workflow was attached to the ticket. We are seeing this in a ton of tickets that were in the middle of their workflow steps when we changed the text. New tickets or tickets where we restart the workflow do pick up the new text, but that does not solve our problem. We are contacting the requestors to explain the "error" in the notification that they are receiving, but it's messy and we have many. Not ideal. - Jon Ricketson Wed 8/28/24 5:36 PM
Unfortunately there isn't a way to *force* the in-flight workflow to use the updated text in that case. Workflows weren't really designed (at least not Notification type steps) to allow for edits mid workflow to the content they would send out. - Mark Sayers Thu 8/29/24 9:57 AM