Attachments in tickets
Part of our email signatures include the icon's (links) for twitter and facebook for our company. However if someone submits a ticket via email then these "icons" show up image attachments
this causes some confusion when there are actual attachments involved. I've been asked if there is a way to customize this view so that we can quickly glance and see that it's just a 2KB file and not a true screenshot? Maybe adding the size of the "pic" where the red rectangle is?
Please advise
Asked by Darla Bury
on Mon 8/26/24 1:54 PM
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Mark Sayers
Mon 8/26/24 3:43 PM
Hello Darla,
This is not currently possible, however you *are* able to perform email image filtering per this KB here:
Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS
No feedback
I have followed the instructions and blocked the signature icons -- and it is registering here that there are some blocked items however - when you go into the ticket the signature icons are still showing as attachments. What am I missing?
- Darla Bury
Wed 8/28/24 4:19 PM
Area you referring to existing tickets, or tickets created since you made those image adjustments?
- Mark Sayers
Wed 8/28/24 4:25 PM
we have been testing and are seeing the icon attachments in the newly created tickets. I didn't expect for it to be able to adjust any tickets that were created prior to the change.
- Darla Bury
Wed 8/28/24 4:29 PM
Ok, yes I wouldn't expect it to be affecting pre-existing tickets. Perhaps the ones that are coming through are "different" enough that the setting isn't catching them?
- Mark Sayers
Thu 8/29/24 9:08 AM