Read-only Card Wall (new feature in 11.9)
We need to share a project card wall with some folks that are not part of the larger project. I see that in 11.9 i can do that, but I can't figure out what the process is. Any advice?
Answer (1)
Apologies for the delayed response on this one! The intent of this feature is to add the read-only card wall view in places where the list view already existed. If a user opened a project within TDClient, they could only see the list view, so we added the read-only card wall view there.
In TDNext, the scenario would be a user who is able to view a project plan but does not have the ability to edit it, which would be those with Analysis access but who aren't a listed resource on the project.
So for example, if I go into my TDX prod environment in TDNext and go to the Active Projects search in Analysis, I can select a project I know I'm not a resource on and select the card wall plan, and it will open with the read-only view.
Hope this helps!