Limit Field Level Editing

I need to be able to limit the ability to change the Project Type field value only on Requests and Projects.  Once it's assigned, it should only be able to be changed by a TDAdmin or specific 2 users.  Is there a way to do that?

Asked by Rebecca Murphy on Fri 7/26/24 11:29 AM
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Mark Sayers Fri 7/26/24 11:49 AM

Hello Rebecca,

The Type field should only be editable by those who are the reviewers of a request once it is submitted, and again only by those who are the project manager or alternate project manager on the project.

Are you finding that is not the case?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Of course those with TDAdmin access can also change it, technically. - Mark Sayers Fri 7/26/24 11:50 AM
I did have a PM make the change, but because of different processes executed when that action happens, I wanted to limit it to me as the PPM and a TDAdmin. - Rebecca Murphy Fri 7/26/24 12:08 PM
There wouldn't be a way to prevent the Project Manager or alternate manager of said project from editing the details of their project, no. - Mark Sayers Fri 7/26/24 12:09 PM