KB Report for Pending Review

I have a report for this, but it has a default value for a portal I chose. I'd like it to be "default client portal" so that technicians in other ticketing applications would see their pending KB articles. I'm assuming that's not possible?

Somewhat related, what is your mechanism for making sure article reviewers are aware of articles pending review?

Tags KB
Asked by David Tod on Fri 7/26/24 8:58 AM
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Answers (2)

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Mark Sayers Fri 7/26/24 9:45 AM

Hello David,

You can choose which portal you wish to see reports for in your custom KB reports.

We do not have an alert mechanism if that is what is being asked referring to articles pending review. You would want to build a report that does show you articles in categories that you're responsible for which are pending review. Then you can either manually view that report or have it delivered periodically to yourself via email if you set that up.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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David Tod Fri 7/26/24 10:00 AM

We have multiple portals and different people responsible for different portals, so it appears we'd need a different Analysis report for each portal, which is what I was trying to avoid. I was hoping to have something like the 

primary responsible group is [current user]


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Unfortunately that isn't a current filter capability. - Mark Sayers Fri 7/26/24 10:19 AM