What is #Templates Tell you?

It has been a while since I worked with Task Templates (workflow and IPaaS have overtaken them), but in the Admin View for task templates, what does the #Template value signify?  I can't find any KB on the details.

Thanks, Tevis

Asked by Tevis Boulware on Fri 7/19/24 4:28 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Fri 7/19/24 4:37 PM

Hello Tevis,

That column would signify whether the task template in question is associated with any Ticket Templates.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

1 of 1 users found this helpful.
One follow up question, just to confirm. This only counts task templates that are linked to ticket templates, and task templates assigned by automation rules (or IPaaS flows) are not counted.

Thanks, Tevis
- Tevis Boulware Fri 7/19/24 5:10 PM
One other follow-up. I don't see any API endpoint/IPaaS action that attaches a task template. Is this correct?

Thanks, Tevis
- Tevis Boulware Fri 7/19/24 5:20 PM
Q: This only counts task templates that are linked to ticket templates, and task templates assigned by automation rules (or IPaaS flows) are not counted
A: Yes, it is a count of ticket templates specifically associated with Ticket Task Templates.

Also, you are correct that there is not an API endpoint currently for assigning a task template to a ticket.
- Mark Sayers Mon 7/22/24 8:35 AM