Workflow timer step and on hold status

I read in the timer step knowledge base article, "The time a ticket spends on hold does not count against the timer's duration."

I wanted to create a question to confirm: If a ticket is in an on hold status class, a workflow timer step won't actually count down? That seems odd to me.

I'm trying to add a section to our computer request workflow that will wait a set period of time after we've notified the requestor that their computer is ready for pickup before prompting the technicians with a choice step to confirm whether an appointment has been scheduled. If yes, it moves on to another task. If no, then a reminder notification should go out to the requestor and then the timer step should reactivate, followed by the choice step for the technicians again, and so on. If we see that the appointment has been scheduled, then folks with the right permissions can skip an active timer step and move forward. 

The whole time, the ticket will be in our "ready for pickup" status which has an on hold status class. If the timer doesn't count down in this scenario, this design obviously isn't workable. Because this kind of scenario seems like exactly what the timer step would be for, I'm having a hard time understanding why it would be designed like that, but I might be missing the intended use case. 

Here's a screenshot of this small section of the workflow: 


Please confirm whether or not the timer step would tick down in this scenario. 

If there's some other way of organizing this that doesn't rely on a timer step, let me know. I know that tasks approvals and choice steps can now be configured to automatically send reminders now as of 11.9, but it feels silly to send a notification saying schedule an appointment and then send another email that says "did you schedule an appointment - Y/N" and keep sending the choice step reminder over and over since it wouldn't be able to include the link to our appointment calendar so it wouldn't be actionable. 

Please help!


Asked by Zoë Crabtree on Thu 7/18/24 4:58 PM
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Answer (1)

This answer has been marked as the accepted answer
Mark Sayers Fri 7/19/24 9:43 AM

Hello ZoĆ«,

I just tested this by assinging a small mocked up workflow like yours to a test ticket where there's a task before the notification step. While the task is active, I edited the ticket and placed it on hold, then marked the task complete. The workflow progressed automatically to the timer step where it showed that it would complete 8 minutes from now (exactly the amount the timer was configured to wait for). So this should work in the scenario you are asking about, but by all means feel free to test and confirm.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Hi Mark,

Thank you for doing some testing for me. I just ran my own test to validate and am also finding that the timer counts down even when the ticket is in an on hold status. I'm very pleased about that!

It does make me wonder what that line in the timer step article means though. Do you understand what it's trying to communicate?

- Zoë Crabtree Fri 7/19/24 10:25 AM
I'm honestly not sure as the original sentence isn't accurate, at least not now. I've updated it to be more accurate. - Mark Sayers Fri 7/19/24 10:41 AM
Thank you! - Zoë Crabtree Fri 7/19/24 10:43 AM