Remove users from a ticket queue


I am writing to inquire about the possibility of preventing specific users in a group from receiving ticket assignments on days they are not available, such as due to illness. Currently, we utilize a round-robin iPaaS flow to assign tickets to users within a group. However, we need a solution to ensure that absent users are not assigned tickets during their absence.

Could you please let me know if this is feasible and provide any guidance on how to implement such a feature?


Asked by Ryan Turner on Wed 7/17/24 11:08 AM
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Mark Sayers Wed 7/17/24 12:26 PM

Hello Ryan,

The only thing I can think of would be to temporarily remove users from the group in question until they return from PTO so the round-robin process cannot assign things to them based on group membership.

You could possibly set up a form that holds the group names (and their backing group IDs) and allows you to select a group to run a flow pulling its current members, select one from the resulting list, and run another flow that removes them from the group. That wouldn't be something I could easily offer assistance on personally to set up, but the alternative would be to manually remove folks from the group(s) affected by this round-robin process when they go out on PTO or otherwise update their user accounts in some way that you can add logic to your round-robin process to check if they are listed as on PTO (you'd need an automated process that makes that "this person is on PTO" modification) and does not assign to them if a certain custom attribute is set to indicate the user is not available.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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