UX Preview

I wanted to register for the new UX preview on July 30th. I got an error that says 'This webinar is for authorized registrants only. Please enter another email address.' I'm not sure why it would ask that as I only have the one I use with TeamDynamix. I checked online and things point to the settings of the webinar. I would like to forward this to my licensed users to get a look if they want as well.

Asked by Justin Goode on Tue 7/16/24 2:25 PM
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Mark Sayers Tue 7/16/24 3:07 PM

Sorry, that link I'm told has the same issue. I'll get you a fresh one when it is confirmed to be ready for registrations.

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Can you access this link? https://teamdynamix.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_9SUmI4HBQQCDTmEmjuaDjA#/registration - Mark Sayers Mon 7/29/24 12:59 PM
Yes Thank you - Justin Goode Mon 7/29/24 1:17 PM