Requesting Guidance for Outlook Calendar Integration

We are attempting to create an integration between TeamDynamix and Outlook calendars. Our objective is to add a step to our Request for Change workflow that will add a calendar event at the date/time listed as a ticket attribute with the TDX ticket title as the event title and TDX ticket description as the calendar event's body.

I am thinking about using Power Automate, but trying to figure out how to configure the webhook.

Are there any specific API calls or integration methods that your organization used? If we set up a Web Service Method, is there a best practice to make the call to the Power Automate endpoint and is there a particular JSON schema that would be used?

Thank you.

Tags workflow outlook calendar power-automate outlook-calendar web-service-method
Asked by Anderson Hanchett on Mon 7/15/24 5:23 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Tue 7/16/24 9:19 AM

Hello Anderson,

You can always try posing this question to the Community site to see if anyone in one of the user groups has done this successfully. I personally do not have Power Automate experience to know what schema they require for an API call to be made to their endpoints (if you were to go with a web service method for this effort).

I can ask the services team for you though.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Thank you. That would be appreciated.

I can submit a VAS request if needed.
- Anderson Hanchett Mon 7/22/24 1:26 PM
Our team advised that unfortunately you're asking us about Microsoft Graph... people have used iPaaS to do this sort of thing. This is the API endpoint you'd use:

- user's default calendar or group's default calendar
--- /me/calendar/events -- creating the event on a specific person's calendar, when signed in as that person
--- /users/{id}/calendar/events or /users/{userPrincipalName}/calendar/events -- creating an event on someone's calendar
- specific calendar
--- /me/calendars/{id}/events -- create event on specific calendar for the current signed-in user
--- users/{id}/calendars/{calendarID}/events or /users/{userPrincipalName}/calendars{calendarID}/event -- create event on specific calendar for specific user

For this sort of thing we really can't assist any further though. You're asking a question about developing using a separate vendor's API. You'd need to ask them to help you.
- Mark Sayers Mon 7/22/24 3:45 PM