Tickets and Tasks - Bulk Closure?


SCENARIO - New Hire, an Onboarding ticket is submitted by the Hiring Manager which is set to Auto-Create Tasks for HR, IT, and Facilities.  IT closes theirs tasks, HR and Facilities tend to leave their tasks open.  I am cleaning up Year-to-Date tickets and tasks for new hires who started at the beginning of the year and don't want to do it one at a time / manually.

QUESTION - Is there a way to bulk close tickets and respective tasks while added a comment indicating bulk closure reason?

FOR THE RECORD - I am aware multiple tickets can be updated.  I'm asking specifically about tickets AND tasks.


Tags tasks tickets
Asked by Armando Cortez on Mon 7/15/24 1:30 PM Last edited Mon 7/15/24 1:44 PM
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Mark Sayers Mon 7/15/24 1:39 PM

Hello Armando,

Yes there is. You could filter the tickets search page such that it only lists these tickets (as best as possible, you may have to make a couple runs at it if they don't all fall in such a way that one set of filters can return applicable tickets concisely). Then you can use the checkboxes on the left of each ticket row to check all of the tickets you wish to edit. Once all checkboxes desired are selected, you can choose the "Actions > Update" option.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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