TDX User account creation

Hello, We noticed this morning that when we are using our system to create new users some of the users are being created with a space after their first name in our AD environment. I am not sure of how to resolve this. I was hoping someone could take a look at this for us. Thanks!!


Asked by Ryan Turner on Mon 7/15/24 12:26 PM
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Mark Sayers Mon 7/15/24 12:33 PM

Hello Ryan,

Can you clarify more specifically *how* you are using your system to create new users?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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sure we have an ipaas flow that takes the information we put into teamdynamix for a new hire request and it creates an account for that end user. when it is creating the account it is putting a space after their first name. - Ryan Turner Mon 7/15/24 12:36 PM
Did you check the connector (for AD presumably) to ensure how it is configured and make sure the name property isn't set to include an extra space after it? - Mark Sayers Mon 7/15/24 12:41 PM
I did not. I did not build that flow and I am not super familiar with ipaas. The person who built it is no longer with the department so I was wondering if you could share with me how I would check that - Ryan Turner Mon 7/15/24 12:44 PM
You would sign in to iPaaS, and go to your flow in question (I assume it is the "Onboarding: Create Person in AD" flow) and locate where the DisplayName property value is being specified. It does appear to be formatted correctly as you'd be expecting, from what I can see though. I wonder if this is a case of where the user's data came in from possibly. Interestingly, the run history for your AD flow doesn't show any dates in 2024 for some reason, so I can't be sure what is happening here right now. - Mark Sayers Mon 7/15/24 1:09 PM
In your flow for creating the person in AD, the "display name" property doesn't have the additional space, you're getting the givenName in a different property and apply it to displayname. In the givenName property, it's coming from a ticket, so it's possible the submitter is adding an additional space in the name. It doesn't appear that you've made any iPaaS steps in your flow to account for, or remove, extra spaces should they occur. - Mark Sayers Mon 7/15/24 1:20 PM
Ok great thank you for this information! - Ryan Turner Mon 7/15/24 1:23 PM