Project resource allocation and time off


In our project plans we have tasks that run for multiple weeks (ex. July 1 - September 15). When an assigned resource also takes vacation time during that period, they now show as over allocated. Is there a way to modify the project task hours on a weekly basis to account for this?



Asked by Kim Rathbone on Thu 7/11/24 1:10 PM
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Mark Sayers Mon 7/15/24 10:29 AM

Hello Kim,

When persons put in time off the time type can be configured (in TDAdmin) to not create project schedule entries for those time off entries. If you wanted to prevent this appearance of over-allocation, you could turn that setting off on your time types. Otherwise you'd have to update their schedule to account for the time off during the week(s) their entries pertained to.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Thanks Mark. Two follow up questions:
1. When a time type is configured to not create project schedule entries for time off entries, will that remove project schedules for previously scheduled project work? Ie. if a project schedule is created in January 2024 and a resource enters their time off in May 2024, does the project schedule get automatically modified? And where is that setting managed in TDAdmin? (I found this article but when I try to read it I get an access denied message:
2. Your suggestion to update their schedule to account for the time off, how can I update a project schedule on a weekly basis? When I'm managing a project by plan and have a resource assigned to a task the system auto-spreads the hours evenly; I haven't found a way to manipulate it further than that.
- Kim Rathbone Mon 7/15/24 1:14 PM
1. If the time type does not have the setting active which creates project schedule entries when they submit time with that time type, it just logs the time to whatever object (ticket/project/task) they entered the time against. No schedule entry is created such that it modifies their appearance of allocation.

You edit Time Types at TDAdmin > Time & Expense > Time Types.

2. If you are managing by plan specifically, I would suppose you edit the project plan such that tasks that fall during the date ranges of this person's time off are given different dates that do not fall within those time off periods.
- Mark Sayers Mon 7/15/24 1:33 PM