Service Portal Application not being added

Please see the rather rambling explanation below, but I am creating a new user (in the Sandbox) and trying to add a second enterprise service portal application.  However, while the generated JSON looks correct, the newly created user is not assigned the second portal application.  Only the default is assigned.

I assume I am missing a configuration item, but I can't seem to hunt it down.

Thanks, Tevis

Asked by Tevis Boulware on Wed 7/10/24 1:42 PM Last edited Wed 7/10/24 3:35 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Wed 7/10/24 2:07 PM

Hi Tevis,

I don't believe the API allows users to be created with access to multiple platformed applications, similar to how in the UI you have to create a user before you can add applications to them. So it would require a second call to then add platformed applications to the user's account.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Mark, can you double-check this? The API documentation (see attached) specifies an "array" of applications, and the IPaaS Create User endpoint specifies an array of organization applications can be specified. Further testing shows that only the single portal application has been added.

This is either a bug in the endpoint or incorrect documentation. In either case, the fact that multiple applications cannot be added on creation is a shortcoming.
- Tevis Boulware Wed 7/10/24 3:55 PM
The API documentation is accurate. There is not a way currently to allow for adding multiple platformed applications when creating a new user. The organization's primary client portal is added by default as all users must be given access to the main client portal (or at least *a* default client portal), but the endpoint documentation doesn't show the OrgApplications property as editable which is accurate.

Again, the same behavior is consistent in the UI: You must create the user first, then you can assign them to additional platformed applications.
- Mark Sayers Mon 7/15/24 12:56 PM
I don't believe the API documentation is accurate. The documentation explicitly states that an array/list of organization applications can be added; however, only one is. - Tevis Boulware Mon 7/15/24 12:59 PM
Please note, the NewUser endpoint documentation

vs the Update User endpoint:

In the NewUser page, we do not mark the OrgApplications property as editable, but we *do* mark it as editable in the User page. I do realize it isn't a desirable answer, but it is an expected behavior currently.
- Mark Sayers Mon 7/15/24 1:25 PM