Using Forms to Collect and Work with Expenses

We are introducing TDX to our Creative Services department.  They charge to either departmental cost center or by credit card.  We'd like to be able to take the items they checked off and total up an amount to charge.  Are such calculations possible within the ticketing app?

Asked by Sheila McBride on Tue 7/9/24 1:53 PM
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Mark Sayers Tue 7/9/24 2:18 PM

Hello Sheila,

How would you be expecting to track the items that are being "checked off" in TDX. As assets perhaps?

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Hi Mark,

No, these are service items. Create a website, print a poster, send out a photographer. Some costs are fixed and some are hourly. It would be nice to capture the costs right in the ticket. I thought I remembered cost fields being available, but maybe that was just for tasks? Maybe even just project tasks?
- Sheila McBride Tue 7/9/24 2:20 PM
Costs would be available more for actual expenses that were entered against an item. Though I suppose there is an "Expenses Budget" field you could use on a ticket to track its cost potentially. Though it wouldn't calculate anything for you. I think it's a manually filled field. - Mark Sayers Tue 7/9/24 2:29 PM
Okay, I don't see that as a field to add. Where would that be? But if it can't at least capture inputs, probably not what I'm looking for. All the more reason to get iPaaS going!! - Sheila McBride Tue 7/9/24 2:31 PM
It is a default field available for ticketing forms that you can add in TDAdmin to a form. It won't calculate things together like expenses that are submitted against the ticket though. I would probably just suggest submitting actual expenses against those items and use the T&E tab to see the current totals of all expenses for that item. - Mark Sayers Tue 7/9/24 2:57 PM
Okay, thanks! - Sheila McBride Tue 7/9/24 2:59 PM