Backlog Manager access for project resources

Hi team,


Should resources on a project be able to access the Backlog Manager tab in the Projects app and add or remove cardwalls, move cards between cardwalls, etc.? Or are project managers the only ones who can view or use the Backlog Manager?

I couldn't find security permissions that relate specifically to the Backlog Manager.



Asked by Constantin de Boisseson on Mon 7/8/24 2:27 PM Last edited Mon 7/8/24 2:42 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Mon 7/8/24 2:57 PM

Hello Constantin,

The requirements for this would be a user needs to be able to edit plans, edit tasks, add tasks and delete tasks in addition to having the Projects application. The permissions are for the security role, the Projects app is a user account-level application they must have access to in TDNext.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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