template tag to link to ticket in mobile app

I see there are new template tags in TDAdmin for the mobile app but they are not referenced on https://solutions.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1965/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=33516

Is there a link that goes to the ticket in the mobile app similar to how {{NextTicketsUrl}} does for TDNext. I can't seem to find it, though I can find a way to get to the app itself.

Tags template-tags insert-template-tags tdxmobile
Asked by Greg Van De Mark on Mon 7/1/24 3:13 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Mon 7/1/24 3:49 PM

Hello Greg,

There should be a template tag called {{MobileAppUrl}} that you can use to point to the ticket in the mobile app.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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I tried that and it went to the mobile app but not into the ticket. Is that what you find? - Greg Van De Mark Mon 7/1/24 3:56 PM
I get an error about the ticket not existing in the instance of TDX that I'm signed in to. - Mark Sayers Mon 7/1/24 4:14 PM
I can explain how I created the link and I have a screen capture video of how it behaves. Should I open an incident ticket at this point? - Greg Van De Mark Mon 7/1/24 4:56 PM
I opened one myself for the behavior I experienced, but yes I think if you can open one for your scenario with screen shots and/or also a screen recording, that would help out too! - Mark Sayers Mon 7/1/24 5:00 PM
Thank you. Here is mine for cross reference purposes: Incident #25815099 - Greg Van De Mark Mon 7/1/24 5:09 PM