Reports created by owner with "Visibility" option

I would like to verify if I am the report owner and share a report with a specified person with option choice of this the screenshot: 

Will the person be able to "edit" this report, or just "view" it? I am fairly certain the person will only be able to "see" the report, but not able to "edit" the report, i.e. the "Action" options they see on their end are with only 3 options:

And without the "Edit" option ? 

Can you please confirm this for me? Thanks. 

Tags analysis-report
Asked by Tami Cheng on Fri 6/28/24 5:28 PM
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Mark Sayers Mon 7/1/24 9:37 AM

Hello Tami,

The visibility selections for reports do not allow for picking specific other persons to view a report, it allows you to pick other *groups* that can view the report.

Only the report's Owner can edit the report. There can be only one value for owner, but you can choose a group so that the whole group could edit the report.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Hello Mark, I want to clarify your response of "the visibility selections for reports do not allow for picking specific other persons to view a report, it allows you to pick other *groups* that can view the report." Are you suggesting only *group can view and not the individuals we select?

Also, "Only the report's Owner can edit the report" and individuals with "visibility" option cannot edit- was this a recent version update that solidify this option ? This seems to be a debate point between some of my collogues.
- Tami Cheng Fri 7/19/24 12:02 PM
Only a report's owner can edit the report, yes, however a Group *can* be selected as the owner of a report so that any of its members who have that ticket app access could edit the report.

If you select the setting to allow "owner and members of these groups" to view the report, then only members of said group(s) and the owner can view it, yes. Users who are in groups that were permitted to view the report may not edit the report unless their group is named as the owner of the report.
- Mark Sayers Fri 7/19/24 12:18 PM