Project form in Project application


I've been trying to figure out how to configure the form that can be used to create a project directly in the Projects application (going to +New). I've been playing around with the attributes and project types but can't seem to make sense of it. A couple of custom attributes are showing up; others aren't, even though the settings are the same.

Can you help?



Asked by Alyx Lyons on Wed 6/26/24 2:20 PM
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Answer (1)

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Mark Sayers Wed 6/26/24 3:13 PM

Hi Alyx,

That form is *standard* and isn't a customizable form per se. It will always show the standard project fields (ones that are required for a project to be created), then any global custom attributes (those that aren't configured to be associated with specific project types), and then any custom attributes that have been configured to be associated with whatever project Type you choose.

Mark Sayers
Sr Support Consultant, CS

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Thanks Mark. I understand all that. The issues is when the form is opened up, and there isn’t a project type selected yet, there are two custom attributes that are showing up that I don’t want there. They have the same settings (associated project type) as other attributes that don’t show up.

And yes, when a project type is selected, the correct fields are there.

I must just be missing something.
- Alyx Lyons Thu 6/27/24 8:09 AM
Which to custom attributes are those exactly? - Mark Sayers Thu 6/27/24 10:31 AM
You have only 2 custom project attributes that are Global, because they are not configured to be specifically associated with a particular Project Type. - Mark Sayers Fri 6/28/24 2:15 PM